Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Horsingdon Transmissions No.102: Black Goat Grove

At the foot of Burn Hill stands a small copse which once formed part of a wider forest which covered much of the region prior to its urbanisation. The copse - locally known as Black Goat Grove - has been fenced off for some years, ostensibly on account its being part of a designated Conservation Area (protected by the Civil Amenities Act of 1967). Notable is the largest tree in the copse, whose morphology has become so gnarled and twisted that the uppermost branches are readily mistaken for the grotesque, quasi-anthropomorphic visage of a horned goat. Needless to say, this particular tree has attained much significance in the region's witchlore on account of the pareidolia which it has historically stimulated.

For reasons which remain unclear, the copse is flagged by two tall floodlights. The floodlights only ever appear to illuminate the copse twice annually: on the 30th April, and on the 31st October.  Horsingdon Borough Council has not, as yet, released any official statement regarding this matter;
however, those familiar with the witchcraft traditions of the British Isles have recognised the significance of those dates, and have subsequently speculated accordingly...

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